10 + 2下一步是什么?



青春期对任何人来说都是非常艰难的时期。这可能不是最困难的阶段,但对于任何回顾自己生活的人来说,这肯定是最让人伤脑筋的三个阶段。情绪和身体上的混乱是伴随着“青春期”这个词而来的羞耻感,而职业上的混乱是每个人在大约相同年龄时都会感受到的一种压力,随之而来的是困惑和紧张。这是为什么呢?在印度各地,无数12-14岁的男孩和女孩将选择他们的本科专业,这些专业将塑造他们未来的职业生活和职业生涯。在印度,在人生的第一阶段在学术上做得好,然后在专业能力上效仿,这被认为是全面成功人生的镜子。对于一个刚刚步入人生迷途的人来说,要做出正确的选择,决定他们未来45年生活的方向,这对他们来说是巨大的压力。很多时候,我们都知道自己想要在生活中做什么。我们知道我们想在哪个领域工作,以及我们希望在未来20年有什么样的工作简介。但需要回答的问题是——你如何做到这一点? How do you pick the right option? What is the right option? And all this begins with choosing the right undergraduate course. To pick the right undergraduate course, it is important to know which field you want to get into and the exact direction you should be taking. If you have your goal in mind, you will just have to take the right steps to reach that goal, and the first of those steps is the undergraduate course you pick. The problem with picking the right course is that most people aren’t aware of the abundance in options. They may pick a standard course like Bachelor of Arts and then move into a career of journalism when in fact, they could have done a specialised course like Bachelor of Mass Communication. Or someone may be unaware that they could pick a specification like Taxation in Bachelor of Commerce if they are looking for a career in property tax laws, or a specialisation in foreign trade to be able to focus on international trade.



