Saturday, August 19, 2023

“My Motto is: Have Feet. Will Dance”,says Shiamak Davar

Shiamak Davar is a name that has been synonymous to Bollywood dream sequences and exceptional thumkas on the dance floor since we were all...

My Thoughts on NRIs

Our intern Pritika Behrawala shares her thoughts on what she call 'Non-Reliable Indian' NRIs are considered one of the most intelligent species globally except in...


From politics to fashion to televion, Shaina NC is making waves at many fronts. She interviews a number of stars on her show. Youth Inc had the chance to speak to this glamorous woman and turn the tables on her

Highest Paying Jobs Without A College Degree

虽然上大学是最好的佤邦之一ys to invest in yourself, there are a lot of people who...

The Social Net 'Worth'

You don't need to be Salman Khan to give back to society. Hell, you don't even need to be anyone quite famous. All you need to do is to consider a career in social work

E-sports As A Culture And Career In India

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “ye wo PUBG wala hai kya?” in response to a concerned mother’s question in a conference...
Impostor syndrome

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome In Different Setups

Have you ever thought about how you feel when you think of your accomplishments? Do you experience a sense of joy, or...

Perks Of Choosing To Enter The World Of Entrepreneurship

Everyone wants to get an education and then take up a job. Are there enough jobs though, for everyone who is qualified?...

The Robotics Rage

From automobiles to education, robots are finding a way to enter almost every field. Youth Inc tells you more about the Plethora of Opportunities...
healthcare administration

4 Careers You Can Consider With a Health Administration Degree

Health administration is an expansive field, offering several career paths for students to follow. A degree in health administration qualifies students to...