Friday, September 15, 2023

The World of Pilates

Pilates is gaining popularity as a fitness exercise regime. Here are some videos that reveal its benefits and the many ways it is practised. Why...

Stand Tall, Sit Pretty

When work life gets stressful, health problems are not too far behind. One of the most overlooked health problem is the incorrect postures that we sit...

CrossFit: The new fitness mantra

An introduction to the techniques of CrossFit Welcome to CrossFit The CrossFit Games and the Fittest Man on Earth CrossFit workout techniques you can try at home
skin care

Natural Skin Care Over Synthetic Products

Green is always good, we read it everywhere yet we expose our tender skin to chemicals every single day. The expensive skin...
LIVitup – Hangover Shield

Bringing Ayurveda back

Live the night but still conquer the day with Dr Vaidya’s Hangover Shield and Herbofit Hangovers can be unnerving. Loads of water, pills, green tea...

Invigorate Your Career

Day Spas are mushrooming in India and abroad. Beverly pereira tells you how to cash in on a career in the wellness industry