Friday, February 3, 2023

Samsung N100 Netbook (Rs – 12,290)

If you are one of those who are always on-the-go, then this lightweight wonder of a netbook will be your faithful companion. This netbook...

Skullcandy Pipe Speaker Dock (Rs.3,400)

Audiophiles will love this sleek piece of gadgetry. Why? Simply because it's not only a good looker but this speaker dock also sounds amazing no matter...

Biophilia (For iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

Now you can explore music in an innovative way. But, it’s not just any music that you’ll be immersing yourself in; this app is based on surreal musician Bjork’s latest album of the...

Apps of the Month

SHAKESPEARE IN BITS – MACBETH Why settle for loose translations when you can learn more about Shakespeare’s Macbeth in all its linguistic richness with this...


Remember the ultra-cheap Aakash tablet? Well, with a price tag so low, who wouldn’t! If you weren’t too happy with its limited specifications but...

Hipstamatic (Rs – 103)

Amongst the tons of photography apps, not one matches this fun camera app. Based on the 1980's vintage Hipstamatic 100, this user friendly app...

Drool of the Month

Samsung Galaxy SIII (Rs. 38,000) Stand back, because the boss is here. Yes, touted to be the 'world’s most powerful mobile phone', Samsung Galaxy SIII is here....