Sunday, August 20, 2023

Bluefrog, Delhi (Rs – 600)

Remember Mumbai’s BlueFROG nightclub that revolutionised the indoor, live music scene in the city? Well, the ‘Frog’ has opened a second base, offering the...

AER, Mumbai

The party circuit in Mumbai has never been the same since Aer upped the ante. Located on the 33rd floor of the Four Seasons...

Where’s The Party Tonight?

Trilogy, Mumbai This club stands for its spacious multi level dance floors, techno lights and fab guests. This place has trippy lights and areas where you can stand and...


Over the Weekend Hangouts

High Spirits, Pune

It’s the time of the year when maximum buses to Pune are filled with youngsters headed for various degree colleges and institutes in Pune. Mumbai-ites if...

Turquoise Cottage, New Delhi

The first thing you must know before you decide to go to Turquoise Cottage is that they serve their music loud. The speciality of Turquoise Cottage...

LIV, Mumbai

LIV, a signature statement nightclub, opened its doors in early January in South Mumbai. Being located in the city’s heritage district at Kala Ghoda, lends certain exclusivity...

Zinc, Mumbai

Zinc is better than what we expected. It is more spacious and well-planned than its predecessor, Zenzi Mills. The nightclub is enjoyable with a...

Club Czar, New Delhi

Vibe: The atmosphere at this lounge-cum-bar-cum-restaurant is laidback and draws people in their early 20s. The space is large with a gothic vibe and cosy lounge...


Over the weekend hangouts