The Guru-Shishya Connect - 2016年2月

曼德拉·特蕾西·乔杜里在她的导师桑德亚·泰(Sandhya Tai)的指导下研究了Bharat Natyam 30多年。我们告诉她这段关系对她意味着什么,以及它如何改变了她的生活

跟我们说说你和你的导师sandhya tai的关系。
通常,当你想到一个大师时,你会想到某人比她的学生大的人;有人一直在讲道和哲学课程。它不像Sandhya tai和Me之间那样。她比我年长10岁。当我开始学习舞时,我开始就像一个爱好的课程。但在一段时间内,我看到这不像是一个普通的课,因为她做了它。我们曾经出去过很多。我的大师带我出去了很多计划。事实上,我看到了我的第一个俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员,天鹅湖与她;因为她认为我需要接触舞蹈形式,而不是巴拉特·纳塔姆。 It was only because of her that I could go watch performances of dance legends like Protima Bedi and Sanjukta Panigrahi. Even beyond these performances, she has taken me to the aquarium and melas. At that time I thought of it as just entertainment; I just thought she loved me a lot and wanted to spend time with me. But it wasn’t until much later that I realised that her intention was to have me observe movement and expression. In Bharat Natyam, we have something called Mainavi Gati, which has to do with the movement of a fish; so when we would go to an aquarium she would subtly tell me to look at how the fish is moving. When we used to go for these horse rides, she would tell me to look at how the horse is standing, in its particular stance and posture. We call it the Ashvakranta, and there is actually a lot of resemblance between the posture of the dance and the posture of a horse.

我一直和她在一起这么多年,这很难确定一个时刻,但如果我不得不,那就很明显是我的Arangetram。作为她的第一个学生,她对我来说有很多期望,我想履行这些期望。她对我所做的Arangetram非常满意,我认为这是我和她在一起的第一个难忘的时刻。在那之后,她选择我介绍Marathi Nirupan的那一刻,就像一个大约18件的Margam,也是我的Dada Guru,Acharya Parvati Kumar的研究工作;这也是一个非常难忘的时刻,因为我不认为班上的任何人都在我做完之后提出了这个Nirupan。这些时刻在我生命中的哇时刻,我和她在一起,如果不是为了她的培训和指导,他们就不会有可能。

在大学期间,我是一个很好的学生,非常自律。这是我的功劳。我相信我的导师告诉我的一切。所以如果她说,“曼德拉,这对你有好处”,我相信并做到了。比如,我的专业是社会学。她想让我主修梵语,但当时没有英语授课的大学教这门课,我也不可能以马拉地语毕业。所以我主修社会学。当时我也非常认真地学习舞蹈。她曾告诉我,如果我想从事舞蹈方面的职业,我就应该学习舞蹈。我继续攻读社会学硕士学位,然后在导师的学院巴拉特美术学院(Bharat College of Fine Arts)攻读舞蹈硕士学位,该学院隶属于那格浦尔大学(Nagpur University)。 Then one fine day she told me I should give my PET exam. This was long after I’d finished my education, I’d gotten married, and I had kids. I remember telling her that I was unsure about being able to pursue an education again after having been out of it for so long, and she just said, “If I’ve given you the best in the knowledge that I have, I’m sure you will do it.” The PET exam is a common entrance exam for a Ph.D. I gave it, and I passed, and I’m currently doing my Ph.D. under her from the Kavi Kulguru Kalidas University, Nagpur.

这是印地语说,“Bhit Bina Nahi Hoye Priti”说,这意味着没有恐惧,没有爱。我不会说我害怕或受到恐吓;我实际上会尊重它。即使在今天,如果我的大师走进上课,我会站起来。或者如果我坐着太随便,我会穿过我的腿。我今天没有在孩子们那里看到这一点。时代已经改变了,今天这些孩子认为在课堂外,他们的大师是他们的朋友。它与我的大师和我一样。虽然我可以告诉她一切,和她分享一切,但有一条底线我永远不会越过。这是教师和学生之间关系的关键。

我钦佩她对舞蹈形式的奉献,并渴望知识。她不相信休息时间。她只是去疯狂的工作,教学,学习和研究。她的一切都是一种学习的形式。我记得当我们去泰米尔纳德邦的寺庙和雕塑的学习之旅时。我们会做不同的raals,或者我们会学习108个卡尔纳斯,只是为了让火车中的记忆游戏乐趣。所以在旅行结束时,我们都有108个卡纳斯。或者她会要求我们在Mishragati或Tishragati唱一首流行的宝莱坞歌;让她的学生思考与舞蹈有关的一切的东西。我崇拜我的古尔的另一件事就是她非常耐心。 She has lots to give, but she is very down to earth. She always believes she have more to learn. And truth is, students can be very nasty at times. They can say terrible things about you, but she’ll just forgive them. She’ll say it’s okay, they made a mistake; it’s okay, let it go, let’s move on. My relationship with her is very beautiful and I believe I’m very fortunate to get a guru like her. She made sure to hone my talent and impart her knowledge onto me perfectly. And I will always be thankful to her for that.


