The History Of Halloween


糖果,糖果,南瓜和恐惧的节在这里,我们不禁想知道这一切的情况。它绝对不是从今天带来的所有蓬勃发展和荣耀开始的。事实证明,这更像是一种仪式,而不是庆祝活动。对于那些想更多地了解万圣节怪异的历史的人来说,这里有一些满足您的好奇心的东西 -


凯尔特人称作万圣节——举行举行了盛大的宴会ion of the harvest, which the end of summer and the beginning of winter. Samhain was separated by six months from Beltane, an observance of the beginning of summer, which took place on May 1 and is now known as May Day. Because Samhain led into the winter season, the feast was also seen as an opportunity to remember those who had gone before.


Many of the modern-day practices of Halloween were influenced by Christianity. Halloween coincides with Christian celebrations honoring the dead, namely All Saints’ Day – a day to honor martyrs who died for their faith and saints, and All Souls’ Day – a day to remember the dead and to pray for their souls.

Since then, Christian and pagan traditions began to merge. In England, All Saints Day came to be known as All Hallows Day. The night before became All Hallows Eve, or Halloween as it is now universally known.

人们在10月31日举行的篝火晚会,尤其是凯尔特人最初定居的地区。然而,在爱尔兰,篝火是在万圣节和英格兰点燃的,篝火传统已转移到11月5日,这是盖伊·福克斯日的那天,并纪念由盖伊·福克斯(Guy Fawkes)领导的火药地块,以炸毁1605年的议会大厦。

今天还有其他实践。例如,在英格兰,万圣节前夕的一种做法是在门口乞求乞求小醋栗饼干,称为Soul Cakes,这是为了换取祈祷而提供的。虽然并非所有的学者都同意,但这是普遍认为的一部分,即这种做法是在现代欺骗或治疗的传统中回应的。

In Ireland, people would walk the streets carrying candles in a hollowed-out turnip, the precursor of today’s jack o’lantern, or the carved pumpkin.


到19世纪后期,商店开始为万圣节提供商业制作的糖果。北美对万圣节的遵守还包括从小恶作剧到故意破坏的一切,以及很多of drinking. By the early 20th century, however, many municipalities and churches attempted to curb this behavior by turning Halloween into a family celebration with children’s parties and, eventually, trick-or-treating as we know it today.

Today Halloween has become a multi-million-dollar industry. Candy sales, costumes, decorations, seasonal theme parks, annual television specials and October horror movie premieres, you name it. Americans go all out with their Halloween celebrations!




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