Junior Editorial Board 2013


After sifting through hundreds of applications we found 15 budding writers to form the Junior Editorial Board of 20B. Our enthusiastic team, who put together our second anniversary issue, share their experience of working for the editorial team of a magazine

Being a part of JEB 2013 was as incredible as it can get. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to know and experience the workings of a magazine house in depth. Apart from being a great learning experience, being associated with Youth Inc was exciting and fun-filled.- Shiuli Dutta

杰布就像一个梦想成真。青年公司和杰布的成员具有丰富的知识和技巧。杰布最迷人的事情是,它使我们自由地大声射击我们的想法,并受到尊重。它教会我“思考”并以不同的角度撰写文章。– Ronald Rodrigues

Being a member of the JEB meant a lot of responsibility, challenges and also some serious work to be done for a national magazine. Overall a learning experience where I had a chance to understand the inside of a magazine and learn every bit of what goes into getting the magazine on the stands. In one word – UNFORGETTABLE!!- Srishti Jain

为青年公司写作是开眼界。进行整个面试,准备视觉效果和撰写文章的过程是病房经历。得知现实生活并不能像课堂作业那样醒来,但是有机会出版的机会是糟糕的。- Dushyant Shekhawat

At Youth Inc, I picked up the intricacies of magazine making, right from brainstorming for ideas and penning down articles to getting the final magazine in place, complete with design, I had something new to learn at every step. JEB taught me how different writing for myself was, from writing professionally. I’d like to thank Youth Inc for helping me grow as a writer. I couldn’t have found a better way to spend my summer holidays!– Palak Kapadia

杰布一直是我一生中最好的经历之一。除了很多乐趣之外,还有很多东西要学习!青年公司团队的不断帮助帮助我从敏锐的作家成长为一个值得一读的东西的人。总而言之,这是我发生的最好的事情之一。这是我永远珍惜的经历。- Anshika Sethi

我是杰布(Jeb)最年轻的成员之一,没有与杂志和青年公司合作的经验,仍然让我有机会展示自己的才华。我在这里工作了最好的时光,在大脑猛冲这些想法和最令人惊叹的人时,喝了最美味的咖啡。感谢您为我提供对青年公司世界的美好回忆,技能和熟悉!- Isha Mathur

青年公司确保杰布的每一天都比上一个更好。因此,虽然章程促进自我增强,但我结交了有趣的朋友的数量,与我有关文章久违的熟人的联系方式以及我有史以来最有趣的会议都令人难忘。创造一些东西既令人生畏又令人兴奋,希望您喜欢这个问题!– Jai Vipra

杰布(Jeb)提供的比通常无聊的实习机会更多,有时您无事可做。计划要携带的文章,撰写它们,与志趣相投的人共享空间,以及努力使该杂志准备好印刷的全部经验;很棒。- Junisha Dama

Through JEB I got a chance to work with a bunch of talented individuals from various media schools, some of whom were as young as 16. To have been able to learn and brainstorm over stories with this diverse group was enriching to say the least.- Nathaniel D’Costa

JEB 2013 has been a fine learning experience. Because of JEB, now I can not only say that I know how a magazine goes from thought to print but, I can also quite happily say that I was a part of that process.- Nooriyah商人

The opportunity to write for a magazine with nationwide circulation does not come around very often. More often than not interns are used as a walking coffee maker, with the occasional chance to staple a couple of ‘important’ papers. However, at Youth Inc, we were actually given the freedom to choose and write about topics, with proper guidance.- 拉米兹·谢赫(Rameez Shaikh)

A month as a member of the JEB was all that was needed to give me, a fresher in the world of journalism, a taste of what i t‘s like to reach out to the masses through print media. The experience highlighted the fact that work and fun can exist together. –沙希德法官

这是我第一次在杂志上工作的经历,它鼓励我想继续读一本杂志。从决定主题到集思广益的故事思想,再到选择封面故事,最后到撰写文章;这是一个非常丰富的旅程。- Shruti Nagabhushan

I was surprised and a little intimidated to find out t hat I was the youngest JEB member! Vatsala, my editor, worked with me very encouragingly and treated me at par with everybody which helped me keep my confidence. She also taught me that though one may not always get the article they want to work on, one must be patient and make the best of it. I’m grateful to Youth Inc for having looked beyond my age and still give me this opportunity.– Sukriti Jha




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