对于动物的爱 - 2016年2月


Nilufer Irani一直是狂热的动物爱好者。我们与她的宠物与她谈论谈话,以及该国拼命地对动物法律和福利需要的变化

我最早的爱犬纪念恢复到3岁或4岁。这是我的2个爱尔兰人,伯纳德和忙碌。这是德里的一个寒冷的早晨。我们的狗自己晒太了。伯纳德,两者的更大,起身走向我,所以我可以搂抱他。他是一只大狗,我很小。我比他短,当我拥抱他时,我曾经把自己拉起来。我一定很年轻。秘密伯纳德是我最喜欢的!他有最美丽的性质。我的父母总是有狗,我被强大的价值观表达了所有动物的同情和善意。 They imbibed in me an understanding that all life on this planet is precious and should be respected.




在印度,我们什么都有法律,包括动物。然而,没有人遵守这些法律,也没有人能够执行它们。作为一个国家,我们藐视一切法律。动物权利可能是大多数人的最后一项议程。我见过富有/有文化的人严重忽视他们的宠物。然后当他们病得太厉害或有什么问题需要时间来解决时,他们就抛弃他们或让他们睡觉。我们印度的小狗养殖场糟透了。我们这里有法律,但谁来执行呢?大多数警察对动物福利法一无所知。我们必须告诉他们,根据IPC的规定,要注意对虐待动物者/罪犯的投诉。 I have seen people hurt animals with the police standing and doing nothing. I don’t know if it is lack of empathy or pure ignorance; either way it is sad state of affairs. I am a part of an NGO called People for Animals headed by Mrs. Maneka Gandhi. They rescue a lot of animals; they save cows, goats etc from illegal slaughter houses, or from overcrowded trucks that are used to illegally transport them. They also fight court cases for the ban of the horse carriages in Mumbai, push for implementation and interpretation of Animal Welfare Laws across India among many other things. The Mumbai arm of our organization is in the nascent stage of building a state of the art animal hospital. Mumbai is the only big metro in India without a proper, wellrun animal hospital. We don’t have basic medical care and facilities under one roof. If your pet has any emergency at night, god help you, as there is no 24 hour care in Mumbai. With this hospital, we are trying to create a Centre of Excellence for services in 24 hour care, critical care, diagnostics & specialty procedures. We aim to develop a sustainable model wherein the profits are used toward the welfare of stray animals and creating a large social impact. We plan to have a comprehensive cancer treatment unit; it’s the only one of its kind in the country. Our hospital will take care of all your pets’ needs and issues, with properly trained vets and medical staff. We aim to bring about a huge change for all animals in and around Mumbai. This hospital will be for pets as well as all stray animals, big or small, birds, reptiles and aquatic life.

即使一个人不是没有宠物的动物爱好者,也有很多方法可以帮助动物。你只需要对所有活生生的同情心。如果你这样做,你是所有动物和鸟类的福音。你可以成为他们的声音。如果您看到有人伤害动物,您可以确保您停止或报告它们。您可以参与提高赚钱和对动物非政府组织的认识。它只是愿意的思想和一种善良的心。当它变得非常热时,您可以在夏天留下水的阳台或建造鸟类的化合物,并在您所在地区的当地狗和猫的碗中留下水。你可以把你的当地狗或猫带来。您可以通过拨打许多动物组织的帮助线来帮助有需要的受伤的动物,或者您可以将它们带到兽医。 Social media has played a big role in creating an awareness of Animal Welfare in India. I do hope it continues with more people joining in to help and spread this to all corners of the country. With education, change will come. We need to push for this to happen and everyone who speaks about it and shares a post is helping in their own small way. I am sure if this happens, there will be a big change in India and Animal Welfare laws will be followed. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

这里有太多的清单。去年是一些动物恋人的朋友,我形成了一个名为动物采用十字军的团体。动物采用十字军致力于采用无家可归的动物。我们去年在南方孟买组织了一场领养事件,这非常成功。我们有30只小狗和猫通过这次活动采用。我们几周前有另一个,这也很成功。我们提高动物意识,并帮助为其他动物非政府组织筹集资金,以帮助他们在培养,采用和任何其他帮助的过程中。我们筹集资金,以便为动物喂养课程以及中间和培养。我们有很多被遗弃的猫和幼犬和成年犬,现在已经采用了。您可以从Facebook页面上找到有关我们的更多信息。 There is so much satisfaction from just being around animals and helping them in all ways possible with love and care and time.


