孟买Jamjoji(650- 1000卢比每人)


如果你不知道,'jamjoji'意味着“让我们去古吉拉蒂去吃”。这正是你在这个Parsi Diner在搭乘车道上藏起来的一点点。装饰稀疏,墙壁装饰着杰出的Parsi人物的框架图片,如Persis Khambatta,Freddie Mercury和Sam Manechshaw。在真正的Parsi风格中,餐厅还有'Faravahar' - 檀香棒的托盘 - 翅膀上帝的象征。菜肴已经以所有者的朋友和家人命名;您将看到一个Piroza Aunty的鸡肉棒以及Zenobia Zorabian的Lagan Nu蛋羹。对于初学者来说,鸡肉棍子是一个很棒的选择;在辛辣的绿色酸辣酱中腌制的无骨鸡是绝对美味的,在一部分中供应。我们搬到了辛辣,但油性akuri。Patra Ni Macchi是主要课程的必备。 Even though I don’t eat fish, the person with me who did said the green coconut and coriander chutney on top was to die for. A surprise for the taste buds has got to be the mutton biryani, which incidentally does not appear on the menu! We ordered it at the suggestion of our server, which was a great idea! With our tummies filled with delicious fare, we could not leave without topping off the meal with the Lagan nu Custard. Little did we know that it would turn out to be overly sweet and lacking in the fluffiness characteristic of this Parsi treat.


