

For safety training, the DGCA has mandated that all airlines must train their crew for 35 days in safety for a particular aircraft . The DGCA certifies the trainers and the faculty, and appoints a nodal officer, a representative of the DGCA, who certifies the cabin crew. Safety training is divided into four parts:
1.航空安全 - 对劫机,武器和炸弹,预防措施,急救等的航空公司非常严重威胁进行的为期6天的培训。
2. Dangerous goods regulation – teaches cabin crew about what is permitted and not permitted on board safely, for example, perfumes and deodorants.
3.安全培训 - 为期19天的技术课程,仅在乘客董事会,起飞,打开和关闭门等时进行安全法规。
4. Crew resource management (CRM) – this 2- to 3-day course teaches the cabin crew that they are not the only resource on board a flight; passengers are also a resource. It also emphasises time management, stresss management, fatigue, delegation of duty, etc. Rai gives this advice to aspiring cabin crew members on the essential aspects of the training required: “When we are out of school or college, we want to take a career with the least amount of studying involved. But all airlines have a lot of training and assessment involvement. Cabin crew perform a vital role for airlines and they are not acknowledged as doing so. At 35,000 feet, they are responsible for everything, including giving emergency treatment for heart attacks. Th ey are not only service staff ; they are qualified people who are able to save lives.”


大多数航空公司为您提供了40%的基本薪水和60%的飞行 - 实际上,您会在飞行的天数中获得报酬。另一些航空公司还为您提供了船上进行的任何销售的百分比。由于一个月只有65-70小时的飞行,人们可以期望赚取约卢比。25,000-30,000。当您在国际上旅行时,这些薪水几乎翻了一番。国际上飞行时,还会有其他收入来源,因为人们倾向于在长途航班上免税。此外,旅行时,人们会得到津贴,例如费用和酒店住在5星级酒店。

Mallika Sherawat
This hottie from Haryana is a graduate in Philosophy from Delhi University. She started working as an air hostess while still in her third year of college before joining movies. While flying the skies, she married and then divorced Karan Singh Gill, a Jet Airways pilot.

Parmeshwar Godrej
这位女士是印度最强大的社会仲裁员之一。她是印度航空公司第一批嫁给印度强大的商人之一的华丽女主人之一。她抓住了戈德里伊工业公司(Godrej Industries),阿迪·戈德雷(Adi Godrej),今天,即使在64岁时,她也被认为是印度最华丽和最迷人的妇女之一。



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