The Testy Tangles,孟买


一开始,我们期待着为我和我的堂兄弟姐妹们带来一些令人咂舌的墨西哥美食,但由于周日晚上的高峰,最后我们吃到了一些普通的东南亚食物。位于孟买哈尔(Khar)的The Tasty Tangles餐厅名不符实,至少从菜单上的素食品来看是这样。开胃菜的平均价格为250卢比,主菜的平均价格为350卢比,人们至少会期待体面的食物。或者掌握基本知识。我们的泰式绿咖喱蒸饭没煮熟,柠檬草冷却器(我不记得名字了)没有柠檬草的味道!尝起来就像稀释了的柠檬冰茶。美味杂碎特别炒饭里有豌豆(谁会在炒饭里放豌豆?!)即使是街上的中国小摊也不会犯下这种亵渎神明的行为!)我们的蔬菜饺子是用蔬菜做馅的,这些蔬菜被切成沙拉的样子,然后掉出来,而不是一些可爱的、粘稠的蔬菜肉馅,这是饺子的馅料。唯一的可取之处是蔬菜绿色的泰式咖喱,尝起来就像它应该有的味道。 The Shanghai noodles with vegetables did nothing special for us, we just ate because we were hungry and we paid Rs. 399 for it! Of course, till then we had not counted the VAT and the service charge that we were going to pay. Since we were a hungry bunch that Sunday night and the food disappointed us so much, I can’t say that the quiet, spacious and clean ambience did anything to enhance our dining experience even a little bit. All in all, it was disappointing. And, I am sorry to say, I certainly can’t recommend the place; in fact, I will dissuade anyone who wants to go there voluntarily! Pinnacle House, 1st Floor, P D Hinduja Marg, Khar West, Mumbai –缩小的卡达尔(每人600卢比)


