

A very prevalent disorder in today’s day and age, depression usually follows a feeling of dark despair and emptiness. Nisha JamVwal talks about the signs of depression and how to combat it.


I am at a stunning beach resort and today something quite incredible and unexpected occurred at breakfast. The seemingly happy and delightful chef treating me to all the delicacies of the famous hotel opened up about her life very candidly and artlessly I found her telling me about a dark phase not two months ago where she faced severe depression that threatened her relationships, career and life. “How exactly do you define depression?” I queried her.”It’s a claustrophobic dark sense of impending doom where you nearly feel like you are alone locked in a room with difficulty in your breathing. It’s a terrible phase I went through and regular day to day functioning was a struggle. I almost found it difficult to conduct my relationships rationally at work and home.”


社会污名最近是时装设计师Sabyasachi Mukherjee令人惊讶的公众承认,关于他的抑郁症是巧合,在我看来仍然很新鲜。他已经公开承认要面对抑郁症多年以来 - 自16岁起。他分享了一个理想主义者。他认为我们的教育系统和我们的父母没有使我们接受人际关系的生存培训,并在爱,人际关系和生活中幸存下来。在这个翠绿的度假胜地,当我与她分享Sabyasachi的录取时,厨师们强烈同意。



Deal with depression Everyone goes through the blues and finds life overwhelming occasionally. The important thing to do is to see if coping and getting through your day is causing you anxiety and despair and if a feeling of emptiness is becoming a pattern. To realise that it is not only a malaise in our lives but very traumatic for our spouse, parents or siblings to live with us in a depressive phase helps us to get out and seek help. And while meditation, exercise and good nutrition are excellent routes to help recovery, professional help is a must or like Sabyasachi or the Chef shared with me, you could unknowingly take your own life. It could be a chemical imbalance in the body resulting in extreme reactions to minor upheavals and you could lose some valuable work and alienate friends and colleagues.

Look out for symptoms of depression and address it immediately. A loss of appetite, feeling overwhelmed or apathetic with just going through the day, fear of people, uncalled for aggression or a sense of recurring restlessness, a hopeless helpless feeling often accompanied with exhaustion, the inability to enjoy activities or people who you enjoyed some time ago, that general sense of impending doom- these are all signs to look out for that will take over your life and not allow you to enjoy relationships and need to be addressed immediately.

