Saturday, August 19, 2023
first job

Top 5 Ways To Get Your Very First Job

You're either fresh out of your university days or maybe you’re still studying, either way, you feel that you’re ready to get...

Personalities and the Workplace

Matching compatible personalities in the workplace is important to get a job done well. Here's more information through videos A detailed analysis of why personality...

Negotiating a Good Salary

Negotiating a good salary is a tricky part of job interviews. Here are some videos to guide you through the process. Salary expectations How to answer...
video resume

A Shortfilm Of Your Qualifications: Video Resume

Anushi Mandelecha gives you the low down on how to make a video resume and stand out from the crowd!
Friends at work

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

To befriend or not to befriend at the office - that's the question. Suchita Parikh-Mundul scours the answer “Offices were built so office politics would have a...

Politics At Workplace? Learn How To Deal With It Easily

There are relations at your workplace that can range from romantic to a source for cronyism. There may also be times when...
workplace hacks

Things To Do While Working

If this is the 5748th article about workplace hacks that you are reading and even Workplace hacks after reading all the previous ones when it finally...

Please Disturb – Extroverts At Work !

An extrovert is a friendly person who enjoys talking to and being with other people. Extroverts love parties, talking on the phone, and meeting new people. Here are some...
errors by freshers

Errors by Freshers

Tackling that first job audition is an art. Jasmine Chabria tells you about the tactics you need to fire or hire to bag your...

7 Things To Do This Summer Break

Summertime holds the promise of all good things, and even though in Bombay we are launching into monsoon season it is still summer break...