Monday, October 9, 2023
Installation Artists

Installation Artist with Arty Juices

With varied surroundings turning into canvases and art expanding beyond galleries, Youth Inc tells you about a career as an installation artist Gazillion descriptions as to what installation art is are...

Shape Up Your Career

Want to make the world a healthier place? A career in fitness training allows you to do just that All those who have adopted various...
English Literature

Careers To Explore If You Have A Degree In English Literature

大学毕业后,学生通常看起来佛r jobs in their concerned fields or go for higher education and pursue a Master’s degree....

In The Lap Of Luxury

Hermes, louis vuitton, porsche, burberry, cartier - the list is endless! as the Indian market sees an influx of such brands, a career in luxury brand management could be the choicest one, finds Beverly Pereira

10 Benefits Of Being A Translator

The most obvious advantage of being a translator is a chance to find good employment options that usually deal with foreign countries...

Feed Your Soul With These Self-Help Books

Today’s fast-paced and high-stress culture has spawned thousands of self-help books, each promising to be the key to living a happier and more successful...
cabin crew

Up in the Air

A career as a cabin crew member is no longer as esteemed as it once was, and the number of applicants is declining year-by-year. Yet, many aspire to travelling the skies as their profession. Youth Inc investigates the high-fliers who are keeping it in the game
career in botany

Explore Career Opportunities In The Plant World With A Degree In Botany

There are many people I have come across who are plant lovers, then there are those who consider plants as their friends,...
Careers That Didn’t Exist Five Years Ago

Careers That Didn’t Exist Five Years Ago

One of the most exciting things about the world today is its global and strongly connected nature. This worldwide development, and the rapid rise...
Film Criticism

The Dos And Don’ts Of Film Criticism

If you also notice the different shots, cuts, sound score, editing style, storyline, and the performance of the characters in a film,...