HACKSTREET’, A Hackathon For Geeks With The Hunger To Solve The Unconquered.


“Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength.”
― Roy T. Bennett

Are you up for it, eh? We hope the fire is still burning in that curious chest, the flames ready to conquer another challenge and satiate that hunger to solve the unconquered. You guessed right, it is a HACKATHON! For our first exciting event as part of XENITH’23, a hackathon is the challenge that we present to you. It won’t be a cakewalk, but we will be sure to give you a fighting chance

所以,需要付出相当的信任,信任你的技能wits, and register for the event! Find a group of ragtag coders to help you along and get ready for a blast. Along with the renown that comes with it, exciting prizes are waiting for you.

更多细节,请查看我们的instagram页面——”我eeesbjiit ‘ OR visit our webistehttps://xenith23.live/


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