How To Spend The Perfect Alone Day?

alone day
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最好的朋友在她的最后期限吗?父母busy with their jobs? Grandparents out for a weekly health checkup? Siblings at their friend’s place? Or you’re just in a new city and that one person you spend time with isn’t available for the day? An alone day, probably any of these could be your today or tomorrow.

Sitting on your couch, leg folded, you scroll through reels mindlessly while thinking about how you want to spend the day. You’re bored, you pace around the house for a while or probably even doze off on your phone for a while. You try to call some people, walk up to the terrace trying to find fascination somewhere but end up slumping back on the same couch. And then, while it’s still early in the day, you start feeling lonely.

An alone day is an irony for there are days you desperately wish to be alone, and then when you finally have such a day, you are blank as to what to do. But here are a few things that could make some space in your alone day –

A spiritual retreat into yourself or sitting down in front of the mirror and having that talk you needed for a long are otherwise procrastinated on and could be given the gift of some hours.

做的事情你不罗utinely do could spur within you some excitement. Waiting for your fudgy chocolate chip cookies to bake, planting a new sapling in your garden or sketching the sunset leaves in you a feeling of accomplishment.

When we initially ponder on how to spend an alone day, picking up a book from your shelf or ticking off that long list of movies usually surpasses our minds. Laying on the carpet lost in a book or watching a movie without blinking your eyes could both entertain and engage you.

An empty house might just be the perfect opportunity to practise a dance routine or make the stairs your velvet red carpet to strut on.

Image Credits: Unsplash

While staying alone seems to be a better option but walking uncharted lanes might give a kick to your optimism. Places that you save from reels these days or type in your notes could take you on a much-needed trip. In a new city, exploration is bliss and visiting a childhood favourite a drive away from your home is a beautiful reminiscence.

A Self-Care Day? An alone day just with the scents of warm cashmere moisturisers, coffee scrubs and tea tree oils wrapped finally with a cooling berry mask is a soft hug to your skin.

There isn’t a place better than the local street markets glistening with delicate earrings or with the swaying smokes of charred food.

Discovering something about yourself or the neighbourhood five steps away from your house, a day full of bingeing movies wrapped in a hibernating blanket or maybe just idly sitting for hours, an alone day could be anything in a week full of hustle. It might just be the smiling confidence in you that comes with a solitary day or a memorable journal entry you flip back to eagerly every time you are having another alone day.


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